If there's one thing that needs to go round more often in the world, it's kindness. 

Guyyyys, your favorite blogger is here again and today, I'll be talking about something that has been on my mind for a while now. 

With everything that has been going on in this country, I believe we have a lot of learning and unlearning to do and picking it one day at a time, Kindness is what we'll be discussing. What kindness is, why we should be kind and how kindness makes the world a better place.

After reading through this piece, I want to know your thoughts so go ahead and drop a comment, thanks in advance.


If there's one thing that needs to go around more often in the world, it's kindness. 

Time and again, we've heard "be kind". Are we really being kind, being nice? Or just doing it to avoid talks. 

Kindness, in the dictionary means being affectionate, generous, friendly, courteous, considerate…

But kindness is much more than that. Being kind is how you choose to show it. It may be through giving without expecting anything in return, it may be through helping a total stranger out, it may be through keeping shut when what the person close to you needs is silence, through thoughtfulness, consideration, empathy… it goes on.

Being kind is not the same as being nice. Kindness is intentional, whereas being nice might not be sincere. Being nice is being polite to people, you might act nice and not mean it deep down. But that's not being kind. To be kind, you have to care for that person, or thing. No strings attached. Being kind is showing acts of kindness, not only when it's easy to do it or when we feel like, but even when it's hard to do it.

The importance of being kind cannot be overemphasized. I feel like Lack of Kindness has done a lot of harm to us.  As people, we've heard "be kind" a lot of times but you'll still come online and see vile comments, you'll still walk on the road and get pushed by someone and they won't even have the courtesy to say "sorry". But yeah, like I always say, we have a lot of unlearning, learning and relearning to do.

Today, know that: 

Kindness isn't what you feel, but what you do.

Kindness makes you feel good. 

You should be kind to yourself too.

It's in you to be kind.

Kindness is free.

You're making the world a better place by being kind.

So today, yes, today, start being kind, you really don't know how much being kind makes the world a better place.


Being kind makes you feel good.

I know it's not just me that has done something for someone before and felt absolutely satisfied, happy, blissful. 

Research has shown that showing acts of kindness to someone makes you happy as well. Scientifically, doing nice things for others boosts the hormones responsible for satisfaction in you. Giving back to someone can boost your day greatly. So it's a win-win. Go ahead and do that great thing you've wanted to do for someone. I promise, it would make you happy as well. 

Kindness is Free.

Yes, you read that right. You don't necessarily have to spend money to show kindness. Kindness is all about actions and there are a million and one ways to be kind without having to spend money. Even your smile can make someone else's day better, a compliment given to someone, helping your neighbor take out the trash… you see how easy it is? 

Kindness relieves stress.

Research has also shown that showing acts of kindness helps relieve your own stress. Helping others out takes you out of your own problem, out of your own stress at that moment. And you can just be, just be happy that you were able to make someone smile, able to make their day.

Random acts of kindness enriches your life.

Doing things that makes people happy, in turn, makes you happy. Random acts of kindness makes you content, it makes you a better person. It's often said that "the smallest things makes the biggest difference" so in whatever you do for someone, no matter how small, do it generously and know that, it helps you be a better person.

Kindness comes back to you.

"What goes around comes around" is applicable in kindness as well. The good you've done someone might just come back and help you out another day. Yes, this shouldn't be the main motive behind kindness but yeah, if you're kind to someone, they'll most likely return the favor.

Kindness nurtures friendships

Showing kindness to others fosters and deepens friendships and relationships. 

Being kind earns you lasting and deep relationships. Kindness also creates new friendships and connections.

PS kindness is contagious and your own kindness rubs off on your friends and the cycle goes on. 

Now that we know why we should be kind, How can we be kind?

Be kind to yourself.

A common quote says "Be the change you wish you see in the world". If you're not kind to yourself, if you do not care for yourself, I really don't see how you can be kind to others. As a person, know that you're not perfect and always love yourself, accept your flaws and work on it, not to be perfect but to attain excellence. Show kindness to yourself and even as it helps you, you also don't know who's watching and learning how to be kind through you.

Be Appreciative.

I always say "saying thank you can never be too much." 

(My first post on this blog was on being thankful)

Always show gratitude, show appreciation, show thanks to people. When you see someone being kind, mention it to them and appreciate them for doing so. Don't just overlook it because what they did was the right thing. The fact that it's the right thing doesn't make some people do it. So whenever you see someone showing acts of kindness, no matter how small, always say thank you. Positive reinforcement makes people want to do even more good deeds, so yeah, don't overlook, appreciate always.

Start practicing kindness.

Kindness can be the littlest acts of saying thank you, helping a neighbor, helping a stranger out, being someone's safe space, complimenting someone, acts of charity, donations… There are a lot of ways to show kindness. Start practicing them today.

Be sensitive.

Many a time, we've replied people or said hurtful words to people which, even if they do not reply, might cut deep. Being kind is what you do just as much as what you don't. It's not everything you should drop negative comments on. Instead of saying "This is a bad write-up, filled with grammatical blunders, never write again in your life", why not make it a constructive criticism, probably something like "Nice write-up, next time you should cross check for grammatical errors, keep it up"

Words are powerful, so we should learn to use them wisely. And yes, if you don't have positive things to say, you should probably hold it in. If something you're about to do seems unkind, stop and ask yourself if it's necessary.

Avoid Comparison.

If you've been practicing the act of comparison, please stop today. Yes, the world we live in doesn't help when it comes to comparison, we sometimes think we don't measure up to what we need to. This is actually wrong and it's dangerous to think this way, or compare people to each other. This is the opposite of kindness and if we want to start practicing kindness, stop comparison today.

That being said, show acts of kindness in all your doings and in what you say. Kindness lets out negativity and of course, makes you happy.

Grace Malik.

So guysss, that's it. You can read the article on medium here🙏


Pleaseeee, be kind in all you do this week, and beyond.

Don't forget, a new episode drops on my podcast today, 6pm.

I'll be speaking on kindness. Please, listen on your favorite podcast platforms, Here's the link: https://anchor.fm/malik-grace0

You can also connect with me on IG: https://instagram.com/shadesofgracee__?utm_medium=copy_link


Twitter: @shadesofgracee_

Facebook- Grace Malik

Till next time,

Go forth and be greatttt.

I remain your favorite blogger,

Grace Malik.


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